Going through my India shots and thought that today I’d present two portraits that I got during the trip. Two portraits but each one is quite different. The first one (rather uncharacteristically) is a self-portrait taken on a long-distance train. Fairly early in the day and I was experimenting, taking panning shots out the windows of the surrounding countryside, detail shots in the train itself, and finally this effort.
Read what you may into the “exit” sign on the door, don’t worry though, it doesn’t reflect my state of mind! Perhaps I could have done some retouching in Photoshop and replaced it with something more appropriate. Beware pretentious photographers may be encountered beyond this point! or something like that.

Canon 5D Mark 2 with 24 to 105 mm zoom at 24mm, F5.0, Shutter speed 1/250 second at ISO 2500.
The second shot was captured within the courtyard (if that’s the correct term) of a mosque in Delhi. India has a significant Moslem community and the mosque was a welcome place of calm amid the chaos of central Delhi. During the course of my trip, I took a huge number of people photographs, many of them not terribly pleasing, but in this case, I think the subject’s strong features make for an interesting shot.

Canon 5D Mark 2 with 24 to 105 mm zoom at 105mm, F8.0, shutter speed 1/60 second at ISO 200.