Captured on colour negative film in China in 1999 and later scanned into the computer for reprocessing with software.
I have previously discussed those things that influence the way we see images and the factors that shape our vision of the world, our photographic vision if you will. Among the things that influence us are our personal experiences and recollections. We are of course also influenced by the media, both electronic and printed, recent and historical.
I recall several years ago visiting Vietnam, it was at a time when tourism into that country was only just starting up. Whilst there I saw a series of news photographs taken in the 1950s and 1960′s which documented that turbulent and violent era. The images in black and white had discoloured with time taking on a yellowish-brown tone. The photos spoke of another time, firstly of course because of the subject matter and its historical value, but also because of the way in which it was presented. The presentation of those images was determined by the limitations of the technology of that time, but fortunately, we can now mimic that effect quite easily, via digital processing.
Looking at the image of the youth with the cart, I felt this was a scene that could have been played out 10 years ago (as it in fact was) or 50 or 60 years ago. Influenced by those pictures from the 50s and 60s, I went with the toned monochrome effect aiming for a slightly grainy and contrasty look. I was tempted to take the “aged photograph” look even further by exaggerating the grain further and perhaps giving the image a more distressed look but decided to settle on what you see here. ~ KD

Whilst the original post text above is still relevant, I have since revisited and reprocessed the image using Google (formerly Nik Software) Silver Efex Pro. The image presented here is with the current (2017) processing.
[…] presented in the post: The boy with the coal cart As discussed in that post, the final presentation of the image was the result of several […]