Tag : sepia toning

The Great Wall in monochrome.

Following on from last post,  I present the same series of images only this time in monochrome.   I have chosen to use a sepia toning at a slightly higher strength to previously, in this case I think it works well. Visible from Space? How many times have we heard that the Great Wall of China is the only man made structure visible from space?   This statement has been repeated so many times that many people are unshakeable in believing it.    […]

The Old Change Room

A visit to an historic gold mine in regional Victoria.  The mine has long ceased operations but the ghosts may still be present!   They left their clothes hanging in the old change room….

Pyramids in sepia

Some of the pyramids are believed to have been built over a period of about 20 years and would have required a workforce of as many as 200,000 people.

stairway to Chapter House, Wells Cathedral, England.

Stairway to Chapter House, Wells Cathedral

The wearing down of the stone steps by so many feet over so many years, the religious connotations of ascending towards the light….

Winchester Cathedral interior

Photographing Winchester Cathedral

Winchester Cathedral, one of the largest in Europe, with the greatest overall length of any Gothic cathedral. I decided to go with the sepia toned monochrome treatment for this interior shot.

late afternoon vantage point

Cloudscapes, Papua.

A series of toned monochrome images where clouds are the subject.

Tree roots, Ta Prohm 2

Tree roots, bas-reliefs, shadows, monochrome

tree roots, stone ruins, bas-reliefs and all their shadows, lend themselves beautifully to black and white.


Trees in winter landscape, Hokkaido.

Minimalist black and white winter landscapes of Hokkaido might be something of a cliche. Regardless, such scenes draw the eye and compel you to take a photo!

A sense of order, Tokyo

Reflecting the “Japanese aesthetic”,  a carefully considered photograph becomes an exercise in graphic design.

Wood carving, Tanzania.

Silver Efex Pro helped transform an uninspiring colour image into a pleasing sepia-toned monochrome.