Tag : Great Wall of China

The Great Wall in monochrome.

Following on from last post,  I present the same series of images only this time in monochrome.   I have chosen to use a sepia toning at a slightly higher strength to previously, in this case I think it works well. Visible from Space? How many times have we heard that the Great Wall of China is the only man made structure visible from space?   This statement has been repeated so many times that many people are unshakeable in believing it.    […]

The Great Wall

Looking back through my Lightroom catalogue, I rediscover some images from way back in 1999, taken at the Great Wall of China.  The images were taken on 35mm colour negative film and later scanned into the computer where I took advantage of today’s photo editing software to enhance them.   It’s a worthwhile exercise to revisit such images as our photo editing skills and tastes change over the years.  I’m quite sure these pictures are different to what I might […]