The African Jacana is one of numerous bird species to be seen on the pools and lagoons of the Okavango Delta in Botswana.
The African Jacana is one of numerous bird species to be seen on the pools and lagoons of the Okavango Delta in Botswana.
The beautiful Malachite Kingfisher can frequently be seen perched on and flying between, reeds at the water’s edge in the Okavango Delta.
The Lava Gull, or Larus fuliginosus, is found only in the Galapagos. It’s believed that there are only about 400 pairs left in the wild.
is unusual among pelican species in that it will hunt by diving, kingfisher like, for food.
I decided to accept the massive contrast involved and push the image towards a more graphic, illustrative effect.
Sometimes there is good subject material hidden among the leaves.
The original shot really lacked much by way of colour saturation and so I decided to go with black and white.
A blue-footed booby (maybe that should read ‘sure-footed booby’) tries to scratch himself whilst teetering on the edge of a cliff.
In keeping with the Galapagos Islands reputation as one of nature’s great evolutionary laboratories, the finches have adapted in some interesting ways dependant on the conditions that are peculiar it specific islands.
The American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) is a common species found throughout the coastal areas of both the Americas. Here the endemic subspecies galapagensis, with a population around 200 pairs, is confined to rocky shores, sandy beaches, and coastal lagoons.