A pair of white terns perch on a branch, Midway Atoll. An example of the beauty of toned black and white photography.
A pair of white terns perch on a branch, Midway Atoll. An example of the beauty of toned black and white photography.
The Albatross is graceful once in the air, and its flight appears effortless, but getting airborne is a different matter.
Pan and Blur Photography explained. A Laysan Albatross skims by a setting wave on Midway Atoll.
The importance of editing in digital photography. A sequence of photos reveals one winning image among the discards!
Photo slideshow featuring the birdlife of the Midway Atoll. Albatross, Tropic Birds, Masked Boobies.
At 8 weeks of age, the albatross chick is still covered in down and, with no natural predators is unconcerned by humans, allowing for some close …
Midway Atoll and a Masked Booby is unconcerned by the close approach of the photographer allowing for an interesting close-up image.
Kilauea Point on the island of Kaua’i provides some great opportunities to see and photograph seabirds as they soar by the cliffs.
A Red-Footed Booby in flight, over Kilauea Point, Kaua’i. Vertical or horizontal format? Image cropping becomes an important tool.
Wandering Tattlers, Hawaiian Gallinules and White Egrets are some of the birds which can be seen and photographed at the Hanapepe Salt …