Wildflowers in Spring
An image captured on colour negative film back in 1990 and scanned into the computer for digital processing. Taken in the Porongurup National Park near Albany in the south of Western Australia during the spring wildflower season. A field of wild daisies extends to the national park’s impressive granite rock outcrops. The park is small compared to the nearby Stirling Ranges but has plenty to offer. Some of the granite rocks/mountains rise to 670 metres and the park has impressive biodiversity with 750 native plant species identified.
The name Porongurup is taken from the local aborigine people who lived on the plains surrounding the mountains for thousands of years prior to European settlement of Australia. Many of the towns in the region have names ending in “up” indicating aboriginal origin.

Camera settings for this image are long forgotten but would have been at 28mm focal length and a small aperture to maximize depth of field. ~KD