Another image from my visit to the Galapagos Islands. The archipelago is famous for its fascinating and varied wildlife and I had the opportunity to photograph plenty of it from birds, flying, swimming, and scavenging, to iguanas and giant tortoises. On this occasion, I found an iguana, dead and desiccated among the rocks, not the most obvious subject for a photograph!
I decided to go with a monochrome presentation and as for the title. Well, it seemed appropriate, the reptiles of the Galapagos seem truly prehistoric, a throwback to the dinosaurs. Ironically, despite the “prehistoric” appearance of the iguanas, the modern-day marine and land iguanas of the Galapagos are in fact a fairly recent evolution. It’s believed they evolved from a common ancestor about 8 million years ago, a mere moment in evolutionary terms.

Original photograph on 35mm colour negative film, scanned and then processed in Adobe Lightroom. ~KD.