Continuing the story from my last post where a cheetah popped up from the long grass to observe wildebeest as they ran by. Having lost interest in the passing herd, this cat decided to use a nearby anthill as a vantage point. It is quite common behaviour for cheetahs, who have excellent eyesight, to use features such as anthills as vantage points to survey their surroundings.

This image was captured with the Canon 5D and the 500mm F4.0 telephoto lens with 1.4x tele-extender, so total focal length 700mm.
**** Updated 18.11.16. I decided to go with a monochrome presentation using Silver Efex Pro to add a light sepia toning, this recent reworking of the image is a bit more subtle in its toning than my earlier processing. I guess this reflects my changing taste in processing. Also I now look at the image and wish I’d placed the cheetah further to the left of the frame to give the animal more room within the frame to “look into”. **** ~KD.