The monkeys pictured here were part of a troop numbering probably 40 to 50 individuals and included quite a few very young ones.
snow monkeys, more correctly macaque monkeys. For several years people have enticed the monkeys to come to the edge of a forest by scattering loose corn for them.
The curiosity of the kids was matched by their elders who were only too pleased to pause for a photo.
A number of classical compositional themes here, the single figure on a “rule of thirds” placement, the single contrasting colour element (the umbrella) against the generally muted earthy tones, the recurring lines, and the rock textures.
the Huangshan Mountains, a region that has inspired artists, poets, and others for centuries with its rocky outcrops, forests and sometimes mysterious misty atmosphere.
the Huangshan Mountains, a region that has inspired artists and poets for centuries with its scenery and often misty weather.
Pictured on the outskirts of Yangshuo, this young woman was maneuvering her cart, loaded high with what appear to be plastic bottles, down a fairly steep hill.
Huangshan Mountains (Yellow Mountains), China. The late afternoon provides oblique angled shafts of light pouring in through the gap in the mountains.
Things are changing fast in China with increasing industrialization and extraordinary economic growth, there is a growing push for people to use more and more motor vehicles.
passengers disembark boats on the Yangzi River at the small town of Fengjie (Fenji). Access from boats to the town was gained by walking across barges and walkways over the water before climbing up the steep stairs to the town proper.