
Human elements, Varanasi

Geometric elements, lines, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal, can help a photo’s composition. Introducing a human element can take it to another level.

Oops, 404 Error.

We’ve all done it, typed a web address into your browser, only to find you’ve mistyped part of the URL and got to a page that doesn’t actually exist.

Hands of the boatman, Varanasi.

“it breaks all the rules…but it kind of works!”

boats, boats and more boats, Varanasi.

Boats, boats and more boats! A recurring, and fairly obvious, theme on the River Ganges at Varanasi.

Boat and flags, Varanasi

A small aperture was used to give sufficient depth of field, whilst the shutter speed was just fast enough to stop the movement of the flags

Boatful of people, Varanasi, India

A boatful of people makes its way along the Ganges,  a common sight at Varanasi.

The Bell, Varanasi.

A case for (occasionally) chopping off someone’s head in a photograph.

Woman in a red sari

It’s sometimes been said that photographers tend to belong in one of two camps, there are “hunters” and then there are “fishermen”.

Ceiling detail, Quwwatul Islam Masjid

Quwwatul-Islam (might of Islam) Masjid is part of a complex of mosques,  cloisters and courtyards built in what is now Delhi between the 12th and 14th centuries

Horse in stable, Old Delhi

Walking through Old Delhi,  one of the residents proudly showed me through to a small stable where he kept a horse at the rear of his home.