
Pan and blur techniques

Mastering pan and blur photo technique on the streets of India.

Woman at window, Varanasi

A woman stands at a window looking over the Ganges at Varanasi, India.

Waiting for sunrise, Varanasi

Pre-dawn and there is a stillness to the air, a quietness, even a sense of mystery. A man sits serenely, at one with his thoughts

Golden sunrise, Varanasi

In this case,  the “golden” sunrise is due very much to the image processing rather than the atmospheric conditions at the time.

Boats at sunrise, Varanasi.

Boats at sunrise at Varanasi on the River Ganges. It was very early morning with some pleasing colour in the sky being reflected in the water.

Young Indian Girl, Delhi

It pays to keep the camera ready and to take several shots of a willing subject, particularly when she’s as delightful and expressive as this …

Portrait of a young man, Old Delhi, India

Exposure bracketing helps to deal with extreme lighting conditions when taking an environmental portrait.

Early morning, Varanasi

Varanasi,  India, shortly before sunrise,  and a man walks along the bank of the River Ganges.

Man in blue sandals, Varanasi

A trip to Varanasi, India, and the friendly locals were pleased to stop for a photograph.

Man in white, Varanasi

A rather striking man in white. His white head covering at once frames his face and contrasts with his dark complexion. Varanasi, India.