An experiment using Google’s Color Efex Pro to get the most out of a landscape/wildlife image.
An experiment using Google’s Color Efex Pro to get the most out of a landscape/wildlife image.
To hell with realism. Digital image processing helps create an apocalyptic, Orwellian vision.
late afternoon looking across Hong Kong Harbour. The humid weather makes for a hazy, “watery” sunset.
late afternoon looking across Hong Kong Harbour. The humid weather makes for a hazy, “watery” sunset.
Captured in a garden in Phuket, Thailand using the Canon 5D and the 24-105mm zoom.
Some work in Photoshop to replicate the effect of a coloured drawing, or pastel colour painting on a white surface.
An imperfect panorama. Compiled from a series of 4 photographs taken on 35mm colour negative film and with no attempt at a “seamless” result.
Digging out the old photo negatives and giving them a new life as a stitched panorama. Albany, Western Australia, circa 1990.
Sunset over a beach on Phuket, Thailand, the tide was receding leaving rivulets of water etching the sand and reflecting the colours of the sky.
Decapitated pedestrian. Learn the rules of composition but once you’ve learnt them, don’t be afraid to break them, deliberately!