
Penguin Silhouette

Penguin silhouette

An early morning start gave the opportunity to silhouette a King Penguin against the dawn sky.

Compass and iceberg

Icebergs and how to avoid them

well on my recent journey into the South Atlantic we actually sought them out. Avoiding hitting one though requires some important considerations

upper markings.

Cape Petrel

Also known as the Cape pigeon, Pintado petrel, or Cape fulmar, it is a common Southern Ocean species frequently seen flying behind ships but isn’t the easiest bird to photograph.

fence post and gorse

Fence post and gorse

the theme of today’s image with its bold colour is neglect.

anticrepuscular rays over beagle channel

Anti-crepuscular rays and the alternative sunset

it’s worth looking in the opposite direction to the sun to see what’s happening in the sky behind you. Sometimes it makes for a more interesting image.

shattered view

Shattered view, Ushuaia

Was it a bullet or perhaps a stone from a slingshot that caused the effect? I’ll never know.

The graffitist’s lair

The building, with it’s roof long gone, had obviously become the playground of graffitists with their tags and discarded spray cans everywhere.

A smiling sea lion

Sea lion artwork, Ushuaia

enlivening an otherwise unremarkable wall

I’m a shipping container!

Smiley face shipping container

It hardly gets more banal than shipping containers on a waterfront, but in this case someone saw fit to paint a smilie face on the end of a container.