Author Archives: kdkevindowie-com

Multi-media the Vimeo Channel

Observant readers may notice a change to the websites menu system with a new item added.    The “Multimedia” tab will take you to my Vimeo channel where several slideshow presentations now reside.   Previously I was producing slideshows using Soundslides Plus software which sadly is now defunct.   Click on the menu item or on the “Vimeo” link below to access the channel.    Thanks,  ~KD.

Reviewing photos of Wadi Rum, Jordan

Excuse me as I revisit some of my photographs from the March, 2007, trip through Egypt and Jordan when I was fortunate enough to travel through Wadi Rum. World Heritage listing. Wadi Rum in Southern Jordan is a desert region of sandy valleys and dramatic sandstone and granite mountains some over 1700 metres in height.  Covering an area of 720 square kilometres, there has been human habitation here for thousands of years, UNESCO recognizing its cultural significance by adding it […]

Click to view live stream

Melbourne’s CBD Falcons

Since 1991, a pair of Peregrine Falcons has been observed in a nest on the rooftop of the 33 level office tower at 367 Collins Street the only known peregrine falcon nesting site within Melbourne’s Central Business District. Public interest in Melbourne’s high flying residents led to the installation of a CCTV with a live internet stream and a purpose-designed nesting box/platform.   The current breeding pair recently hatched three chicks,  a welcome distraction for the people of Melbourne who’ve been […]

Why do we post photos?

Motivated to make Art? Why do we take photographs?   For many people, it’s to record their lives and the lives of those around them.  To record important events,  personal or family milestones.   To push a political or social agenda?   To make a living through commercial photography,  weddings,  babies,  portraiture,  advertising, etc.   For some it’s about personal expression,  trying to convey an idea perhaps.   Dare I say it,  make art!  No doubt in some/many cases two or more motivations may […]

Click for The Age news article and video

Return of the Eastern Barred Bandicoot

We are so often overwhelmed by environmental doom and gloom predictions that it is refreshing to be able to report something positive. As reported in Melbourne’s Age newspaper,  there is encouraging news regards the survival prospects for a critically endangered species.    In an international first an endangered species that was believed extinct in the wild has been successfully reintroduced and will have its conservation status changed, with Victoria’s Eastern-barred Bandicoot population successfully saved from extinction. On Wednesday, Environment Minister […]

Parrot in a cage.

Image gallery update

I have recently gone through another website restructuring,  changing platforms and hosting companies.   This brings a number of challenges as I update and reformat content.    Think of it as “housekeeping”,  like cleaning the bathroom,  it just has to be done.  It’s a time-consuming endeavour!   The observant reader might notice that the menu system has been amended.   I am rebuilding my photo galleries which can now be accessed via the new “Image Galleries” tab. Parrot in a cage, Hong […]

Tanzania 2008

Tanzania, a video slideshow

a High Definition video slideshow presentation of a selection of my Tanzania images created using and is available here as a downloadable MPEG4 file.

Zebras, South Africa

Keeping watch. Imfolozi Game Reserve, South Africa.

Late afternoon can be a busy time at the waterhole but an alert lookout must be kept for predators. Taken in Imfolozi Game Reserve, South Africa, late afternoon, one zebra keeps watch whilst others drink at the waterhole.

Walker Swamp, Victoria

Restoring a wetland – A good news story.

What can happen when a small, environmental organisation buys a 1,035-acre blue-gum plantation, strip it of trees, allow it to flood, and transform it back into wetlands

Facebook versus the Australian Government.

Social media alternatives.

It seems that monopolies (or near-monopolies) just can’t help themselves and are drawn to abusing their market domination.