Author Archives: kdkevindowie-com

Fengjie, China.

With a history predating 700bc, the town of Fengjie (Fenji) is now submerged beneath the waters of the Yangzi River due to the Three Gorges Dam project.

Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong

The monastery complex features a massive “big Buddha” statue, as well as numerous smaller statues such as this one, and was built in 1990. I decided on a fairly radical treatment replacing the original sky, (which was pretty ugly) with a graduated colour background.

Riverboat, River Li, China.

The river and the surrounding landscape are frequently cloaked in fog which adds to the sense of mystery and the region has inspired artists and writers for generations.

Almost line art, Pelican, Galapagos Islands.

The original shot really lacked much by way of colour saturation and so I decided to go with black and white.

Balancing Act. Blue-footed booby, Galapagos Islands

A blue-footed booby (maybe that should read ‘sure-footed booby’) tries to scratch himself whilst teetering on the edge of a cliff.

Darwin’s finches. Galapagos Islands.

In keeping with the Galapagos Islands reputation as one of nature’s great evolutionary laboratories, the finches have adapted in some interesting ways dependant on the conditions that are peculiar it specific islands.

The Blurb book experience.

a user’s experience in book publishing with blurb

Death of the dinosaur

the reptiles of the Galapagos seem truly prehistoric, a throwback to the dinosaurs. Ironically, despite the “prehistoric” appearance of the iguanas, the modern-day marine and land iguanas of the Galapagos are in fact a fairly recent evolution.

Sally Lightfoot crabs, Galapagos Islands

Supposedly named after a dancer popular in the Caribbean due to its quick movement, it’s also known as the red rock crab.

Oystercatchers, Galapagos Islands

The American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) is a common species found throughout the coastal areas of both the Americas. Here the endemic subspecies galapagensis, with a population around 200 pairs, is confined to rocky shores, sandy beaches, and coastal lagoons.