Testing the aw shucks value of wildlife photography
Testing the aw shucks value of wildlife photography
A Lesser Striped Swallow perches on a spiny acacia in Botswana’s Okavango Delta.
The end of the day and the sun sets over Botswana’s Okavango Delta.
Bushfire charred trees and snow, a classic example of how the camera’s light meter can be fooled.
A bird on a twig in Assam, India, and the use of Noise Ninja software in image processing.
I was walking along a trail when this bird alighted on a twig quite close by seemingly unconcerned.
A close and LOUD encounter with an endangered species in India’s Kaziranga National Park.
The telephoto lens (500mm) was required to get the bird large in the frame and the camera lens combination was mounted on a tripod with gimbal mount.
Photographed from a canoe, the swamphen runs across lilypads to gain speed for takeoff
Travel through India is a great cultural experience but less well known is that it offers great opportunities for nature and wildlife photography