Author Archives: kdkevindowie-com

Red-Footed Booby in flight, Kilauea Point.

A Red-Footed Booby in flight, over Kilauea Point, Kaua’i. Vertical or horizontal format?  Image cropping becomes an important tool.

Hanapepe Salt Ponds, Kaua’i. 2

Wandering Tattlers, Hawaiian Gallinules and White Egrets are some of the birds which can be seen and photographed at the Hanapepe Salt …

Hanapepe Salt Ponds, Kaua’i.

Kauai’s Hanapepe Salt Ponds provide some interesting bird watching and bird photography opportunities.

Illegal slaughtering of birds on Cyprus.

Appallingly, as many as 10 million wild birds are illegally slaughtered every year on Cyprus. Acts of environmental vandalism that go largely unnoticed.

Faces of Haridwar…part 2

more portraits of some of the people I met along the way.

Erosion and dead trees, Waimea Canyon, Kaua’i.

Waimea Canyon, Kaua’i. Colour and black and white images both work well, and Adobe’s Lightroom offers some interesting image toning options

Waimea Canyon, Kaua’i.

Today’s image is a six-frame stitched panorama, the 6 original frames being in vertical format and taken at 24mm. The final stitched image ended up being about 12000 pixels wide or would make up a 1 metre long high-resolution print without interpolation.

Kaua’i from the air

There are numerous companies operating helicopters over the island, with the choices being between fully enclosed “comfortable” aircraft, to smaller ”no doors” choppers.

Pipiwai Trail, Haleakala National Park, Maui.

Bamboo forests are kind of spooky, with the plants often swaying in the breeze and clicking and clacking against each other.

Waimoku Falls, Maui.

A slow shutter speed gives the water of Maui’s Waimoku Falls a soft silky appearance