Author Archives: kdkevindowie-com

Landing gear down! Laysan Albatross preparing to land

Midway Atoll and a Laysan Albatross prepares to land, wings extended and feet down. A scene that lends itself to toned black and white …

Gray-backed Tern, Midway Atoll

A fairly difficult species to get a decent picture of, this species tended to be rather skittish and wouldn’t tolerate a close approach.

Red-footed booby on nest Midway Atoll

Red Footed Booby on nest, Midway Atoll.  Same image,  two versions.   A red footed booby sits on a nest of twigs,  Eastern Island,  Midway Atoll.

The Elephants of Botswana.

A wildlife safari of Botswana’s Okavango Delta provides some wonderful opportunities to view and photograph elephants.

Great Frigatebird on Nest.

A male Great Frigatebird sits on its nest displaying its breeding plummage.

Great Frigatebird, Midway Atoll

A juvenile Great Frigatebird displays its distinctive plumage.

Door lock, Haridwar

an example of digital image processing.  Changes to contrast and colour saturation were made both globally and with specific local adjustments.

White Tern, Midway Atoll

The White Tern (Gygis alba rothschildiis) is among the most beautiful of the seabirds nesting and breeding on Midway Atoll.

click for Midway Atoll gallery

End of life, Midway Atoll.

Midway Atoll, the grim reality of life and death in nature.   A victim of the 2011 Pacific tsunami, an albatross lies dead and decomposing.