Author Archives: kdkevindowie-com

Making tofu, Indonesia.

Making Tofu, Indonesia.

With the steam rising and shafts of light coming in through windows and the odd hole in the roof, some atmospheric photos were possible.

Sunrise Mt Bromo, Indonesia

Mt Bromo timelapse

Mt Bromo, Indonesia at sunrise, a time-lapse.

Adornments for statue, Ubud, Bali.

Adornments for a statue, Bali

I sometimes like to think of image processing as analogous to cooking…..

Family fun, Yogyakarta.

Family fun, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

a fun way for a family to spend the evening in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

ingredients for royal tea

Indonesian food porn!

“Royal Tea”. The ingredients assembled made for the obvious photograph.

the pink bicycle

Woman on pink bicycle, Jakarta.

A woman rides a pink bicycle, part of a growing Indonesia image gallery.

street vendor, jakarta, indonesia

International be happy day!

smiling faces… International be happy day

Pigeons in black and white

Pigeons in black and white.

The brilliant white feathers of the pigeons make for a classic black and white image.

Sedona USA

Sedona aerial.

One way to get a great look at the Sedona landscape is from the air by jumping onto a helicopter flight.