Author Archives: kdkevindowie-com

green scarf graffiti Buenos Aires

Green scarf graffiti

I have mixed feelings about graffiti but consider it of interest where an issue or idea is expressed or genuine artistic ability is displayed. In this case the green scarf is a powerful symbol of an important social/political movement.

Mausoleum of General San Martín.

Cathedral in monochrome, Buenos Aires.

Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral interior images lend themselves well to black and white.


The Main Nave

Metropolitan Cathedral, Buenos Aires

One of the challenges in photographing the building interiors was the relatively low light levels and the need to shoot handheld.

Skylight, Recoleta Cemetery

Recoleta Cemetery

there is plenty to ponder and explore with textures, the play of light and shadow, reflections and, of course, the religious symbolism.

Pebble in ice 2

South Georgia – the world at my feet

it’s easy to get caught up in the wildlife and the grand landscape but, occasionally, it’s worth looking for the small details that lie at one’s feet!

Penguin Silhouette

Penguin silhouette

An early morning start gave the opportunity to silhouette a King Penguin against the dawn sky.

Compass and iceberg

Icebergs and how to avoid them

well on my recent journey into the South Atlantic we actually sought them out. Avoiding hitting one though requires some important considerations

upper markings.

Cape Petrel

Also known as the Cape pigeon, Pintado petrel, or Cape fulmar, it is a common Southern Ocean species frequently seen flying behind ships but isn’t the easiest bird to photograph.

fence post and gorse

Fence post and gorse

the theme of today’s image with its bold colour is neglect.