I recently posted this image over at Google+ where it was well received and so I thought I might repost it here on the blog. The image was taken in June, 2009, some 4 months after the most devastating bushfires in memory occurred in my home state of Victoria. I recently revisited the image, tucked away as it was on my hard drive, and decided to reprocess it. As you can see, I went with a toned monochrome treatment and, although I’m not generally a big fan of border effects and frames on images, I experimented with a torn edge like border effect here.

Canon 5D, Focal Length: 700.0 mm Shutter Speed 1/800 second, Aperture F7.1, ISO 800.
Spam message of the week?
Recently over on Facebook, I posted a web link: Tom reads his spam. As the title suggests, it is simply a blogger reading nonsense messages from his spam email folder but, I at least found it rather amusing. “Tom” has an excellent “radio voice” and manages to make fun of those idiotic spam messages that drive all of us a bit mad. This brings me to one of the numerous spam messages I got this week through the blog’s commenting system. With Akismet installed, these “comments” are thankfully intercepted before ever seeing the light of day on the published blog. Supposedly in response to a blog posting of about 2 years ago featuring an abstract image of grasses growing in water (so totally off-topic) and reproduced here without editing.
“Who’s the chubby chkeeed chap sitting in front of that mysterious womam in the dark glasses?Looks like the African lifestyle [read luxury safari lodges] is agreeing with him…”
I wonder how this would sound if read by Tom. I fear that with the spelling mistakes, even he would struggle with this one! 🙂 KD