Following my travels through India in 2010, I returned home via Bangkok, Thailand, where I stayed for just a few days. I’d heard about a small restaurant that afforded good views of Wat Arun at sunset and so headed there. Whilst waiting for the sunset, there was a little time to spare and so it was time to explore the local brew (as if an excuse was needed!) It’s not often that I present what amounts to a “product shot” but today’s the day, hopefully, it captures the feeling of the occasion.

Image processing steps
The image was processed in Adobe Lightroom 3 with fairly significant changes being made to the file as follows:
Increased exposure by 0.5 of a stop
Increased colour temperature
Used the recovery slider to tame some of the highlights
Increased localized colour saturation and “clarity” (midtone contrast)
Selective sharpening
Introduced a subtle vignette
Wish you were there?
As it turned out the sunset wasn’t one of the better ones but the early evening did produce some satisfying images, more about that next time. ~KD
Just for comparison sake, here’s what the scene looked like minus the Lightroom adjustments…..